Jessica Jensen
Advisory Committee Member
Jessica Jensen is an arts educator, teaching dance at a Title One elementary school in Jordan School District. She earned her degree from Brigham Young University in Dance Education in 2021.
Jessica grew up in Cache Valley, Utah as a transracial adoptee. She is excited to learn more through this experience about community activism, and deepen her skills and knowledge in becoming an advocate for equity in our schools across Utah.
Jessica loves to sing, dance, and perform, spend time with her husband and dog, and enjoys learning and trying new creative hobbies.
“I hope to be an advocate for the cultural shift that needs to happen here. As I am at the beginning of my career as an educator, joining UROR felt like a powerful step to better help my students, and students to come. Students deserve joy and a safe community at school. It’s time for Utahns to come together to build that.”